Simon Faithfull 30km installation view (2003)

Simon Faithfull

Born 1970 in Ipsden, Oxfordshire, Simon Faithfull lives and works in London. He is represented by Galerie Polaris, Paris and Parker’s Box, New York. He is a lecturer at the Slade School of Fine Art, London. Recent exhibitions include solo shows at the Musee des Beaux Arts (Calais), Fabrica (Brighton,) FRAC Basse Normandie (France), British Film Institute (London), Harris Museum (Preston), Galerie Polaris (Paris), Parker’s Box (New York) and Stills (Edinburgh). 

Simon Faithfull 

Galerie Polaris

Parker's Box

Works by Simon Faithfull in the Collection

30km, Simon Faithfull , 2003


Simon Faithfull