Erotic Discourse, performance (2012)
Hannah PerryErotic Discourse
Friday 12 October 2012, 8.30–9pm V22 F Block
From the profound to the banal, the dumb to the classical, Perry's work manages to create an experience of shared intimacy where you least expect it. A mixture of the personal and the universal' of popular media, she combines notations of intimate experiences with a symbolic language derived from television, film, magazines, advertising and music videos.
Her new performance work playfully references this language, with contemporary dance and classical sculpture thrown in: 'The Venus de Milo is just so gangsta.'
Erotic Discourse is set to a live soundtrack performed by Pete Morrow with choreography developed collaboratively between Perry and her lead performer Nandi Bhebhe.
Venue info
V22 F Block
100 Clements Road
SE16 4DG