Technically Illiterate, Actually Still Pagan (1) 2018. Lime putty, King Offa Junior Academy school uniform, equine excrement, liquid soap, water, wigs, wig fibre, soil, TV monitor, DVD player, headphones, video, stepladder, mug, cutlery, bucket.
The careful butchery of Queen Cynethryth of the Mercians
Friday 26 October 2018, 6–9pm Silvertown Studios
Pulling together over two years of research, The careful butchery of Queen Cynethryth of the Mercians will use the knowledge-making machine and carnival float fals tru luvvers a’shore an H’agiographic dysphonia to stage an overview of Gent's ongoing efforts to rehistoricise the maligned queen's biography. Drawing upon amateur dramatics, fan fiction, revisionist message-boards, English folk song, boxset historical drama, the logics of carnival, tabletop gaming culture and self-publishing, the performance will present pre-received knowledge about Cynethryth alongside tales more recently generated or excavated.
Venue info
Silvertown Studios
E16 2GL
DLR: Pontoon Dock
Bus: 474