No Fixed Abode Young London 2012 installation view
No Fixed Abode: Sun and Moon Futures
19 to 10 October 2012, 7–9pm V22 F Block
During this event a company - Sun and Moon Futures - will be formed, founded on a futures contract with V22 gallery for the delivery of the (at the time of writing) incomplete artwork Sun and Moon Futures.
Using the shares that get attributed to the perceived value of the future artwork, this stock will simultaneously be transferred to Sun and Moon Futures (the company), creating the artwork and fulfilling the delivery of the contract with V22. Interestingly becoming a stakeholder in its own constructed value, Sun and Moon Futures (Ltd) will play out differing positions of where value resides in an artwork and how this can be traded and shifted through varying realms of representation.
The event will consist of a series of invited interested parties commentating on the various stages of the foundation of Sun and Moon Futures that will consist of the signing of share ownership certificates, the registering of the company with Companies House, the transferal of ownership, and the creation of the company's procedures.
Venue info
V22 F Block
100 Clements Road
SE16 4DG